Сэр Томас Шон Коннери
25.08.1930 - 31.10.2020

Sad that we need this to protect Americans’ right to vote from violent Democrat mobs. pic.twitter.com/ilEIdwmfCi
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 30, 2020
URL записи30.10.2020 в 21:44Пишет QVall:
[picspam] - Rock Disney
All the polling you need: A brown bear & 2 tigers all chose the Biden watermelon over the Trump one at a Siberian zoo where a bear correctly predicted Trump's 2016 win @MoscowTimes https://t.co/usW00WHLoM pic.twitter.com/OsBVbCesyq
— Alec Luhn (@ASLuhn) October 28, 2020
URL записи28.10.2020 в 23:12Пишет Горобэй:
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